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Notice to Parents of all Prospective Students

The Catholic academies and parish schools within the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn welcome students of all backgrounds to share in the Catholic education experience.  As parents of children who attend the Catholic academies and parish schools, you are encouraged to share in our Faith community. In accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith, the Catholic academies and parish schools within the Diocese of Brooklyn admit students of any race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin. The Catholic academies and parish schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, and ethnic origin in admission, policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs.

St. Sebastian Catholic Academy provides values-centered education to more than 300 students, grades 3K through 8. Please view our Admissions requirements thoroughly for your prospective or returning students. We look forward to welcoming you to the St. Sebastian family. St. Sebastian Catholic Academy offers FREE Pre-K for All for 3 & 4 year olds. Students wishing to enroll for this program, should call 718/429-1982 x 134 for more information on registering online.

New Family Registration

New Student Enrollment

Students entering – Kindergarten to Grade 7

Returning Pre-Kindergarten For All Students will complete a reregistration form sent home in your child’s folder. When our tuition platform is open we will contact you to create an account and setup your tuition payment plan.


The following required documents must be submitted for registration to be complete:

Admissions application (click here)

Home Language Questionnaire (click here)

Birth Certificate or Passport

Baptismal Certificate (if child is baptized Catholic)

Most recent Report Card (new students Grades K to 7)

Most recent Standardized Test Scores (new students Grades 3 to 7)

Final Report Card (by June 30th)

Copy of current IEP/IESP (if applicable)

Proof of guardianship (if applicable)

Up to date Immunization Record


             Reminder: Age 11=TDAP booster and Meningococcal vaccine.                     

Under age 5=mandatory flu shot by Dec. 31st

We are strongly recommending children age 5 and up get the COVID-19 vaccine.


Physical Exam Form (due by September)

All new students are required by the Board of Health to have a complete physical examination before entering school.  A copy of the results of this examination must be filed with the school before a student will be permitted to attend classes as mandated by the NO SHOTS – NO SCHOOL POLICY. Get form here.



Application is complete, only, when all information requested is entered,  payment of the non-refundable registration fee of $225.00 per family, is paid via FACTS during enrollment process.

In June,  we will contact you to set up an interview with you and your child/children.  After the interview and receipt of the final report card, enrollment will be finalized and you will receive information you need for September.  Your first tuition payment is due in August based on your tuition plan date. Tuition information under separate cover.

If you need further assistance, do not hesitate to contact the Academy at (718)429-1982.  

Re-registration for current families

Grades Kindergarten to 7

Re-registration will take place through the academy.  Families will receive an enrollment form to complete and pay the non-refundable $225.00 enrollment fee per family.  Enrollment will be manually applied on FACTS and tuition payment plan options will roll-over from the previous year.


FOR  NEW STUDENTS of Siblings at St. Sebastian Catholic Academy

  • New registration information will need to be completed for siblings of already enrolled students.  All documents will need to be submitted with fees before registration is considered complete.

Please note – parents of PK-4 students who will be returning to Kindergarten at St. Sebastian Catholic Academy must complete an enrollment form.

Re-Registration Requirements

  • Re-Registration fee $225.00 per family must be paid to the academy at time of re-registration.
  • Updated immunizations for Grades 6, and 7 are required with Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines.  All medical requirements must be met within the frist 2 weeks of school or by the child’s 11th birthday, whichever comes first.
  • All Students in 3K, Pre-K, and Kindergarten are required by the City of New York Board of Health to have a complete physical examination before entering or returning to school.  A medical form from the doctor of the results of this examination, listing all immunizations, must be filed with the school before a student will be permitted to attend classes as mandated by the NO SHOTS – NO SCHOOL policy.  Get form here.

Tuition and Fees

***Tuition increase is contingent upon final registration counts but has not exceed $200 per child in the upcoming year.

  • St. Sebastian Catholic Academy uses FACTS for tuition and fee payments.
  • St. Sebastian Catholic Academy does not accept tuition payments from parents at the Academy. 
  • Tuition payment plans must be completed at the time of registration.  
  • A $35 late fee per family may be applied at the discretion of the principal.
  • Families that are awarded tuition assistance will not have their account credited until September. One full payment will need to be made in August. 

Tuition breakdown based on the plan you choose:



October December February April
1 Child –    K to 8 $  6,500.00 $650.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 $1,300.00
 2 Children – K to 8 $11,900.00 $1,190.00 $2,380.00 $2,380.00 $2,380.00 $2,380.00 $2,380.00
 3 Children – K to 8 $17,000.00 $1,700.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00 $3,400.00
4 children or more – K to 8 $19,150.00

Add $1050 each additional child


4 students


4 students


4 students


4 students


4 students


4 students


Schedule of Fees and Fundraising 2025-2026 dates due


Admission’s Application Fee (FACTS) $22 per application  (non-refundable) payed on FACTS during admission process
Enrollment/Re-enrollment Fee $225 per family at time of registration (non-refundable)
Fundraising Fee (mandatory) $200 per family

(In addition to tuition – NOT optional)

Fee will be applied to your FACTS billing account according to your payment plan selection.

We will have additional optional fundraising events throughout the year.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

Technology Fee (mandatory) $100 per student


Fee will be applied to your FACTS billing account for the August invoice
Additional Fees (mandatory)


$50 Sacrament Fee for grades 2 and 7 or other eligible grade levels.


$250 Graduation Fee for all Grade 8 students.


Fee will be applied to your FACTS billing for the January invoice


Fee will be applied to incidental billing on FACTS in January.

Please note:

You may be eligible for partial tuition assistance.  Applications open January 15th to apply on line for Futures in Education at FACTS .  There is a non-refundable application fee of $40.00.  Deadline is April 30, 2025 for new applicants. Deadline for families already receiving assistance is March 31, 2025.

Please review our Student Handbook section concerning yellow bus and Metrocard eligibility and uniform policy as well as other important information regarding our school and students. Extended Day Program information can be found here, and provides information on forms, fees and more.

Financial Aid

Tuition Assistance

You may be eligible for partial tuition assistance for the upcoming school year.  Applications will open January 15th online at FACTS, the vendor for Futures in Education.  There is a $40 non-refundable application fee.  New applicants have until April 30, 2025 to apply for assistance.



Our school uniform company is Flynn & O’Hara School Uniforms, Inc.

  • Location: The Atlas Park Mall, Lower Level in Glendale, NY.
  • Customer Service: 1.800.441.4122
  • Website:

For shoes we recommend using Da Bar Too Shoes in Maspeth.