Welcome to
St. Sebastian Catholic Academy

Our school serves about 365 girls and boys in 3K through eighth grade. All levels of ability are reflected in our student population. We are a multicultural school with over 30 nations represented throughout the student body. A strong sense of family pervades our school community.
St. Sebastian Catholic Academy provides a Catholic learning atmosphere in which students may develop spiritually, intellectually, physically, and socially. Each student is recognized as a unique individual with special talents and abilities. We strongly encourage daily prayer, Sunday worship, and responsible moral conduct.
St. Sebastian Catholic Academy is located close to the geographical center of New York City. Woodside is an exciting, dynamic and perhaps the most ethnically diverse community in New York City. For more than ninety years, this Catholic School of Excellence has prepared young people to move into leadership positions and service in the Church, national and local governments, medicine, education, finance, business and many other professions.
A public library, park, and several forms of public transportation are within walking distance of the school. We have new soundproof windows to keep out city noise and help our students to focus. Most of the students walk or carpool, but others take the train or buses. Crossing guards are at nearby intersections for the morning arrival and afternoon dismissal times. We have a full time security guard as well.
We recognize the sacrifices being made by parents of our students to give them a quality education. To this end, the faculty and staff of St. Sebastian Catholic Academy pledges itself to loving service to our students and their families through the ministry of Catholic education.
In the Vincentian tradition of service, students may become Altar Servers (Grades 5-8); Junior Lector or Elizabeth Ann Seton Service Volunteers (Grade 8).
Seasonal projects are continuous throughout the year as outlined in our Diocesan Catholic Identity Plan.

Our Mission
St. Sebastian Catholic Academy is dedicated to developing mature Catholic individuals who practice the virtues and values taught by Jesus Christ. We create an environment conducive to learning within the atmosphere of the faith community of the Roman Catholic Church.
We strive to develop a working relationship of mutual respect with our pastor and his associate priests, with the principal and her staff, with the teachers, and with our students and their parents. Each student is recognized as a unique individual with special talents and abilities. This is especially highlighted in our deep appreciation of the diverse cultural backgrounds of so many different ethnic groups that contribute to the makeup of our student body. A variety of learning experiences, including art, STEM, and foreign language are offered to support these talents and expand their abilities.
Members of the wider parish community are encouraged to give of their talents and time to help the teachers and administration meet the needs of the individual student. Our aim is to develop the moral, intellectual, physical, emotional and social aspects of each person. We strive to create an innovative setting that allows each student the opportunity to succeed to the best of his/her ability and to discover and utilize his/her God-given talents.

Meet Our Principal
Michelle Picarello began her teaching career in 2000 at St. Sebastian as a Kindergarten teacher. Then she went on to teach second grade in 2012. In the 16 years she was a teacher she got married, started a family, and continued her education to receive a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education and a Master’s Degree in School Building Leadership from St. John’s University.
Mrs. Picarello is a product of Catholic Education herself, attending St. Kevin in Flushing, St. Francis Prep in Fresh Meadows, and St. John’s University in Queens. She has chosen Catholic Education for her children and knows the sacrifices families make to ensure their children a faith-filled, quality education.
For 3 years Mrs. Picarello was the Assistant Principal, before taking on the role as Principal in September 2019. She is dedicated to the mission of Catholic education and had full support from the Board of Directors to lead the academy.
Mrs. Picarello knows well the community within the academy and has every intention of keeping the sense of family, togetherness, partnership, and Catholic identity alive for many years to come.
Our Pastor
Reverend Patrick J. West is the pastor at St. Sebastian Parish. Fr. West came to us from Corpus Christi parish in Woodside and has had many pastoral experiences within the Diocese of Brooklyn.
As Pastor, he is proud of our Catholic Academy which serves the Parishes of Blessed Virgin Mary Help of Christians (St. Mary’s), Our Lady Queen of Angels, St. Teresa and St. Sebastian. He is often present in the school building for morning prayer and to visit classrooms.
We are excited to begin a new school year with Fr. West as our spiritual guide.
Please pray for our school community; our Principal, Faculty and Students, that we might look to Jesus each day and grow into the people that He wants us to be.